Mittwoch, 17. März 2010

Day 1

Hello everyone,

Today my bicycle trip finally started and my first ride brought me to the beautiful town of Dresden. It was an enjoyable, almost relaxing ride due to the simple fact that the tailwind was pushing me forward.

I felt a little weird thinking about the fact that I will be on the road for about 6 months and this was only day 1. After 3 hours 25 minutes in the saddle i arrived my brothers appartment in Dresden where I could stay for the night.

Dienstag, 16. März 2010


Hey Everyone :)

Tomorrow 16 March 2010 I am leaving my native town Riesa to cycle through Europe. I will be on the road for about 6 months travelling central, east, south-east, south and west of Europe.If you want to follow my trip simply add my blog to your favourites and check it every day. I will try to update my blog as often as possible.

Below you'll see the result of my preparations over the last weeks.

So here I am. Me, my bike and a lot to discover.

Bye, Ralf